Leaving the Travelling Life Behind

“We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.” T.S. Eliot Yes, dear reader after seven years of continuous travel I have settled down. Travel was becoming jaded, dull- always a sign that change is needed.… Read More Leaving the Travelling Life Behind

WeAreTheWorldBlogfest: Bushfires Reveal Ancient Wonder

It’s the end of the month and time for another dose of WATB# positive stories Here in Australia we are all still affected one way or nother, directly or indirectly by the cataclysmic bushfires which continue to rage through the land. The stories, particularly to do with wildlife, are horrendous. There is currently much talk… Read More WeAreTheWorldBlogfest: Bushfires Reveal Ancient Wonder